April 2020 Roundtable News
Merit Badge College – Currently, there is very little chance of conducting this event this year due to college and Council schedules.
Council Banquet – The Council Banquet that was scheduled for March 27th will not be held in the “usual” format this year. The Council plans to recognize the Silver Beaver and District Award of Merit winners as well as the 2019 Eagle Scout class at the Program Expo scheduled for July 30, 2020.
The Skymont Workday and BB/Archery Certification training scheduled for April 4th has been cancelled. These will be rescheduled as the opportunity becomes available.
The Section 6 OA Conclave at Camp Davy Crockett has been cancelled. A decision to move it to October is presently under consideration.
The Council Camperall event originally scheduled for the May 1st weekend has been moved to the October 16-18 weekend.
Summer camp at Skymont is currently still on track as scheduled for this year. Staff recruitment is near completion and staff training is proceeding electronically. Renovations to the administrative building, medical clinic, and staff areas are in progress. The Council and staff are doing everything possible to have Skymont ready for campers in June.
The Council Program Committee quarterly meeting will be held as a Zoom meeting on April 23 at 6:30 pm EST. Invites will be sent closer to the event.
Popcorn kickoff – this will be a fun event with lunch provided. We have a new vendor with better product quality and more price point options! All units should plan to send at least one adult leader to this Kickoff. More info will be announced soon.
All face-to-face trainings and Council committee meetings have been cancelled through April 30th. We encourage the continued use of electronic meetings where possible.