Order of the Arrow
The Order of the Arrow is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts. Youth are elected by fellow Scouts for exemplifying the Oath and Law in their daily life. The Order of the Arrow is based on American Indian tradition and dedicated to the ideal of cheerful service.
The Order of the Arrow strives to achieve the following:
- Recognize Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives
- Develop and maintain camping traditions and camping spirit
- Promote Scout camping
- Crystalize the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others
The national Order of the Arrow is organized into four geographical regions. The Talidandaganu’ Lodge is located in the Southern Region. The Southern Region is divided into sections. Colonneh Lodge is located in Southern Region Section 6 (SR6). SR6 has nine lodges across Kentucky, Tennessee, half of Mississippi, and part of Virginia (along with a few counties from Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri).
Order of the Arrow members are able to participate in exclusive lodge, section, regional and national events and special high adventure treks. The OA has something for everyone. For more information, contact your chapter.
If you and/or your unit want to find out more about the activities of the Order of the Arrow or need a leadership position for Star, Life or Eagle, contact the for the John Ross District.
OA Publications
For those interested, the Order of the Arrow national website has a variety of publications that will answer your questions about the “Brotherhood of Cheerful Service:”
- Guide for Officers and Advisers
- Chapter Operations Guide
- Lodge Adviser’s Handbook
- Frequently Asked Questions
Lodge Executive Committee Meetings
The Lodge Executive Committee meets on the 3rd Thursday monthly at 6:30 PM. The meetings are held at the Scout service center in Chattanooga: 6031 Lee Hwy, Chattanooga, TN 37421.
John Ross Chapter Meetings
The John Ross Chapter Meetings coincide with the district Roundtable, held the second Tuesday of each month. OA District Officers will gather to discuss the monthly district camping and service items. All OA Members in the district are encouraged to attend.
If you would like to stay in the loop, on what is going on in the OA, sign up for the mailing list below: