2020 P.R.A.Y. Lock-In

The P.R.A.Y. program encourages youth to learn about and grow strong in their faith. It is also an opportunity for a Cub Scout to earn their religious emblem. The religious emblem award knot is one of the few that can be carried over and worn on every uniform, Cub to Adult.

A mentor must attend and participate in the program. No siblings permitted. Mentors must be attentive to the program and their child’s needs in order to complete this award.

The Lock-In will be held on Friday and Saturday, January 3 & 4 at Ringgold United Methodist Church, 6:00 pm Friday until 5:00 pm Saturday.

The cost is $35 and includes both books (Scout and mentor), religious emblem, and food. Meals are on Saturday only. Please arrange dinner for Friday evening on your own.

This is a Cub Scout-only event (K-5). If you have any questions about the event, please contact Kendall Kaylor.