Being a volunteer leader is fun, challenging, and rewarding. But you don’t have to do it all by yourself. The John Ross District has many people and resources to give your child the best possible Scouting experience.
Round Table is our monthly leaders’ meeting for all adult volunteers in this district. You can get help with activities, places to go, games, skits, and songs for use at Den and Pack meetings. It’s a great place to ask questions and share ideas. Click here to for more District Round Table information.
The John Ross District has a team of volunteers called the District Committee which develops quality district-wide programs in which boys can participate. Look through all the information on this website or talk to your unit leader for information about the John Ross District Committee.
The John Ross district has another volunteer team called the Commissioner staff. They are our “service team.” They check on the health of your unit and are a communications link between your Unit and the Scouting organization. A Unit Commissioner is assigned to assist your pack, troop, crew or post.
Where can I go to find a Pack, Troop, Crew or Post near me?
We keep a list of all units here on the John Ross District Website. Click here to see them all. – This website will let you put in your Zip Code so that you can see all of the local units near you and where they meet. Click on one of the Units to get contact information and more information about them.
When and where do I get recruiting materials from?
There are two ways of getting your recruiting materials. The best way is by attending one of the Membership Events. We hold Membership Recruitment training in the spring and fall. The other option is to reach out to your District Membership Chair or .
I want to be a Merit Badge counselor, how do I do it?
In order to become a Merit Badge Counselor you will have to fill out an Adult Application, Merit Badge Counselor Application and complete Youth Protection Training on
Once you have filled out the appropriate applications reach out to the District Advancement Chair or you can contact a Program Executive in your area to get you in touch with the correct person.
You can find more information about this process here:
- Guide for Merit Badge Counselors
- Merit Badge Counselor Sheet
How can I get a print out of my record/achievement/rank advancement?
You can print it off from Scoutbook or send an email the .